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Astromind offers astrology readings, existential coaching, and humble guidance in various existential and transpersonal experiences or crises, as well as lectures and workshops in Danish and English.

Your future is shaped by your inner life

In my experience, we need to build our lives from the inside out to make them authentic and fulfilling. You have to find your own path, utilize your own resources, and listen to the voice of your soul to create a profoundly meaningful life.

Finding your path

My goal is to support you in discovering your path and navigating your challenges. I aim to help you recognize and transform those challenges into resources and assist you in unfolding your unique talents, dreams, and desires, whether they are related to your personal, spiritual, or professional life.

Sometimes there's is wisdom in madness

I believe, life intends to teach us something when we face difficult times or undergo deep crises. What may appear chaotic at the moment often becomes clear and meaningful later in life.

Let your soul join you at work

There may not necessarily be a definitive vocation written in bold letters in your horoscope, but your unique combination of resources, work patterns, dreams, and potential will reveal it. If you seek joy in your work life, these aspects are truly relevant.

My approach to support you

I offer you my life experience, as well as my professional expertise as a coach, astrologer, and consultant. You will receive a professional and confidential consultation focused on you and your life situation.

Photo explanation

Since my first trip to Scotland in 2011, I have been a regular visitor. I feel a profound connection to Scotland, especially the islands. Walking and being close to nature are integral to maintaining balance in my life.

Most photos on this website are from my travels to Scotland. I hope you enjoy exploring my website.

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