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My name is Tina Duegaard Andersen. I am a Danish astrologer and coach born in 1964.

My first encounter with astrology was in India 1988 while travelling around as a 23-year-old backpacker. At that time, I knew nothing about astrology, but the Vedic astrology readings I received in India had such a profound impact on me and were so thought provoking, that looking back, I can see that my journey with astrology began with a lightning strike.

For the next 15 years I studied astrology and transpersonal psychology on my own alongside my regular education and work life. However, I focused on Western modern humanistic psychological astrology instead of Vedic astrology. Later, I delved into esoteric and transpersonal astrology and I gradually started having clients. Initially, I was driven by curiosity and fascination with the mystical connection with the Sky and our lives on Earth. The deeper I delved into the essence of astrology the more I was amazed about how uniquely astrology provides an understanding of human development; psychologically, transpersonal, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, inner life, work life, our relations, traumas, childhood etc. and even on a mundane (political) level and how we all are part of a cyclic process of existence. 

In my heart, I will always be an autodidact astrologer. Looking back, I am grateful that the autodidact journey shaped my fundamental approach to astrology long before I joined astrology schools and had teachers. The autodidactic beginning enrich me with the opportunity and the courage to follow my intuition but it also compelled me to find my own answer's and develop my own approach to astrology. I navigated through decades of astrology writings and drew from my own life experiences, practice with clients, intuition, synchronistic inner inspiration, dreams, meditation, and diverse astrology traditions, writers, and theories.

An astrological understanding of personal, psychological, and transpersonal development, combined with the principles of Psychosynthesis, Jungianism, transpersonal psychology, and the research of Stanislav Grof, as well as the wisdom found in Alice Bailey's writings and my own guiding dreams, has been crucial not only for my professional approach but also in navigating life-altering crises, existential and transpersonal crises, which began in my early twenties with the death of my parents. Astrology, transpersonal psychology, and dreams have been true guardians in my own life for over 30 years. Over time, my personal experiences have become deeply integrated into the core and foundation of my professional astrology and coaching practice, hopefully benefiting my clients.

Professionally, I draw inspiration from astrologers across the Western world, and my approach to astrology is broad: humanistic, psychological, transpersonal, practical, esoteric, exoteric, mundane, and so on. To me, astrology is a natural mindset and a way to understand the world and life on many levels. Based on my approach and experience, it also offers insights into the development of consciousness on both an individual and collective level, social and economic crises, shifts in historical eras, and paradigms.

I have been serving astrology clients since 2002, and my coaching practice began in 2007. Additionally, I have worked as a coach, conflict mediator and facillitator and  in my regular job for the past 15 years. My fundamental approach to coaching is a combination of Psychosynthesis (the transpersonal psychology of Roberto Assagioli) and Systemic constellations. My education as a Psychosynthesis coach consisted of two years of basic Psychosynthesis therapy and theory, followed by further training and theory as a psychosynthesis coach. This education included three years of intensive therapy, as well as practical experience with training clients and receiving supervision.

30 years of practice, self-study, education and training - C.V.:

  • Master of Science (MSc) in Technological and Socio-Economic Planning, Roskilde University, Denmark (1988-1995) -
  • Examined astrologer (4-year education) at The Astrological Academy of Copenhagen (2003-2007) -
  • Psychosynthesis coach (3-year education) at the Psychosynthesis Institute in Gothenburg, Sweden (2007-2010) - The Institute closed in 2022.
  • 3-year course in esoteric astrology by Swedish astrologer Niklas Nihlen (2007-2010) -
  • 3-year course in esoteric astrology by Danish astrologer Claus Houlberg (2011-2013)
  • Facilitator of organizational constellations and systemic coaching with teachers such as Albreht Mahr, Cecelio Regojo, Jan Jacob Stam, Erik Svarer, Liv Dhanyo Thommesen, Christine Essen, organized by Liv Dhanyo Thommesen, Human Vision, Denmark (2014-2015) -
  • Participation in various short courses and lectures over the years by Danish, English, American, and Swedish astrologers, including Alan Oken, Michael Robbins, Melanie Rheinhart, Mark Jones, Steven Forrest, Niklas Nihlen, Adrian Duncan, Christian Borup, Louise Kirsebom, Kenneth Sørensen, and more.
  • Certified facilitator in conflict mediation at the Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution (2017) -
  • Certified facilitator in conflict mediation in groups and organizations at the Danish Centre for Conflict Resolution (2018) -
  • Individual mentorship program with the American astrologer Alan Oken as my teacher and mentor in soul-centered astrology (esoteric astrology) from 2016 to 2018 - Alan sadly passed away far too soon in March 2022, but his teaching and wisdom will always be alive in my mind and my heart.

Besides my 30 years of experience and practice in astrology, I have also been working as a consultant for the past 25 years. In my regular job, I primarily focused on individual coaching, group and team coaching, conflict mediation, and group facilitation in a Danish trade union since 2000. Since May 1st 2024 I skipped my ordinary work and is now selfimployed as conflict mediator & coach besides Astromind.

You can find my full CV, excluding the astrology part, on


Tina Duegaard Andersen
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